Michael Davis regularly attends SUGI and NESUG conferences, local SAS user group meetings and SAS-sponsored meetings to keep apprised of new developments and SAS techniques. In addition, he regularly attends SAS public courses to gain skills with new products. Below is a partial list of SAS-taught public training that Michael Davis has completed.
Statistics II: ANOVA and Regression (February, 2006)
Predictive Modeling Using Logistic Regression (September, 2005)
Customizing Output from the TABULATE Procedure with ODS (June, 2003)
Customizing Output from the REPORT Procedure with ODS (June, 2003)
Advanced SAS Macro Programming (May, 2002)
New Output Delivery System Features in Version 9 (April, 2002)
Using the Output Delivery System to Create XML Files (April, 2002)
Advanced Output Delivery System Topics (April, 2002)
Developing JSP Applications in webAF (April, 2001)
Processing Web Log Data With WebHound 3.1 (April, 2001)
Advanced Web Applications (March, 2001)
SAS/IntrNet Administration (March, 2001)
Accessing MDDB Data Using webEIS Software (February, 2000)
Scalable Performance Data Server Training (January, 2000)
Understanding Java in webAF Applications (November, 1999)
SAS/AF: Changes and Enhancements in Version 8 (October, 1999)
New Features in Version 8 of the SAS System (October, 1999)
SAS Web Tools: Developing Java-based Applications (April, 1999)
Using the SAS/EIS HOLAP Extension, Release 6.12 (July, 1998)
Running SAS Applications on the Web (July, 1998)
Implementing Data Warehouses Using SAS Software (October, 1996)
SAS/EIS Software: New Features for Release 6.11 (August, 1996)
Object-Oriented Programming Using SAS/AF (May, 1996)
Introduction to Rapid GUI Application Development (April, 1996)
Client/Server Strategies Using the SAS System (November, 1995)
Advanced SCL Applications (September, 1994)
Building SCL Applications Using Frame Entries (July, 1994)
Processing Relational Databases with SAS/ACCESS (November, 1993)
SAS/AF Software Using Screen Control Language (July, 1991)